27 May 2007

Who Wants To Write A Novel?

I do!!! Okay, to be specific, I'm not sure if I want to write a novel per se... I'm thinking about writing a book that reads in the style of a comic book. *sigh* It's hard to explain... but I'm going to try anyhow.

Basically, I've been developing my own Comic Book Characters, complete with original names (as far as I know -- I've looked up the names I've chosen to make sure there isn't a character around with the same name) and original backstories, etc. My plot is to write a novel/novella/mini/whatever on several characters by themselves -- and to eventually have them team up. Another thing about it -- most of them will be minority characters. Think about it -- a minority-majority team -- something that you don't see in American comics.

More behind the cut!

Also, I'm thinking outside the box. I want unique characters -- and not necessarily just powers, but physical appearances as well. I plan on having at least one plus-sized hero -- which is something you RARELY see in comics. Hell, I'm a plus size woman, I want to see more plus-sized heroes. I also plan on balancing the team -- i.e there isn't going to be a team full of males with 2 females only. I'm thinking a 9-character team initially -- but I am undecided if the guys will outnumber the girls or what. Also, I plan on having black characters that look... well... black. I'm talking ethnocentric hair especially... I'm so sick of seeing black female superheroes with bone-straight hair...

Another thing about my team is that I want conflicting views. I don't want everyone to have the same idea of "justice", and I even want a few characters that are willing to "cross the line" if necessary. I want to have heroes with powers they were born with, powers that they obtained accidentally, powers that they learned (magic), or no powers at all (i.e those that rely on physical abilities/fighting styles/weapons). I also want my book to have SOME socially conscious messages -- but without beating the reader over the head with them. And, of course, what's a book without DRAMA? Sorry Mary J, there's going to be more drama in that life. *evil grin*

I have so many ideas for this... but I hope that I don't do what I have a habit of doing and drop this without completing it. Even if I'm the only one who ever reads it, I'd like to do it.


21 May 2007

Welcome To My World!

Hey all! This is the spot where I'll be discussing various things. Mainly Comic Books, books in general, News, atheism, and being a black female.